Experience: Acre Hotel


In this small luxurious hotel located outside of San José del Cabo, you stay in rooms hidden in this unique "desert jungle." On the way to your room you will be able to notice the different animals that keep company to guests during their stay. The hotel has a restaurant / bar as the centerpiece, which is a culinary and mixological experience, as well as very special areas for private dinners and a pool area that gives the feeling of being in an oasis.

In the surroundings there are 14 rooms located 5 meters above the ground giving the feeling that you are staying in a tree house, thus bringing the experience of sleeping connected to nature, with the privacy you want. In addition, the hotel has an adoption center for dogs that are always excited to receive visitors, as well as a stable with different characters including "Fausto", a peacock that guards the hotel entrance every night.


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